General Information

Sea World Project: Snakes, Turtles and Crocodiles
A marine education project of which provides useful information about marine turtles. 
Sea Turtle Image Library
A website set-up for sharing and distributing images of sea turtles. 
Global Marine Litter Information Gateway
Presents the serious problems that marine litter causes to marine wildlife all around the world, including the dangers faced by sea turtles. 
Sea turtle postage stamps of the world
A creative means of promoting sea turtle conservation, the scanned images of postage stamps on this website present sea turtles from around the world. 
The Anatomy of Sea Turtles
Online Book by Jeanette Wyneken, Ph.D. 
La Rochelle Aquarium - (France)
This French site of La Rochelle Aquarium in France provides detailed information on the aquarium, as well as including images of the marine wildlife it contains. 
Marine Conservation Society (MCS) - (UK)
The MCS is a UK charity concerned with protecting the UK’s seas, shores and wildlife. The website includes information on its wide range of volunteer projects, descriptions of marine animals and opportunities to make a donation or adopt a turtle. 
Marine Environment Monitoring (MEM) - (UK)
A website which provides the key telephone numbers an individual should dial if they find a stranded marine mammal in the British Isles. 
Swansea University Marine Turtle Research Group - (UK)
The website of MTRG, an organisation which is made up of a group of scientists and student volunteers whose prime aim is to conduct research on sea turtles and conservation awareness. Includes information on both their completed and current projects as well as volunteering opportunities. 
World Animal Net - the world's largest network of animal protection societies
Contains a very large number of links to other websites concerning animal conservation, animal protection organisations and volunteering opportunities. 
Marine Turtle Newsletter
The website of a newsletter which is published four times a year and depends entirely on donations for its finances. Gives the opportunity for readers to subscribe to the newsletter as well as make a donation. 
University of Florida Sea Turtle Bibliography
A database which provides a wide range of information on sea turtles – including their biology, conservation and management.
A website which was set-up in order to support the research and conservation of marine turtles. It does so by providing links to the Marine Turtle Newsletter and sea turtle links among others. The opportunity to become a volunteer or partner with the site on a project are additional features of the site. 
Sea Turtle Symposium
An annual event, the details of the Sea Turtle Symposium are announced on this website. Other features include a forum and message board and resolutions. 
WCMC Mediterranean Resource Centre
A website of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) which allows for in-depth research into biodiversity. Features include interactive maps, biodiversity indicators and UNEP-WCMC publications. 
The website provides the full text of the ‘Action Plan for the Conservation of Mediterranean Marine Turtles’ which is a plan written by Mediterranean States in order to combat the hazards, such as death caused by fishing gear, faced by Mediterranean marine turtles. 
Archaeozoology, taphonomy and worked bone - (Germany)
Contains information on archaezoology, taphonomy and worked bone and includes useful links on the subjects. 
Progress towards reducing sea turtle mortality in fishing operations
An article by the ‘Indian Ocean and South-East Asian Marine Turtle Memorandum of Understanding’ which presents a meeting which was held in December 2004 in order to reduce sea turtle mortality in fishing operations. 
Sea turtle Handling Guide for fishermen "Catching Fish not Turtles"
A guide for fishermen in PDF format, about more “turtle-friendly” fishing solutions and directions for handling captured turtles. 
Sea turtle Handling Guide for fishermen (UNEP/MAP - RAC/SPA)
A more detailed guide for fishermen in PDF format, with directions for handling captured turtles.