Contemporary Approaches


These are used in an attempt to relocate eggs in research areas to better protect them directly following their burial. They are kept from predators, both wild animals and humans. Under ideal circumstances researchers have properly prepared natural settings. They apply scientific research into their programs to ensure turtle vitality. Unfortunately, hatcheries are notorious for disaster. Unregulated water, sanitation, temperature, location, and purpose have led to higher mortality rates than if left alone in the wild. This measure should only be taken as a last resort. Extreme cases have included hatchlings of entirely females (due to lack of temperature regulations), and tourist stimulated hatcheries that only operate during tourist seasons.

For a complete guide on hatcheries:

Link to the Sri Lankan hatchery disaster produced for tourists.

Head Starting

This process renders turtle hatchlings until an age that the researchers feel they are ready to enter the wild. This is thought to strengthen them allowing them to better protect themselves in the tumultuous sea they are about to venture. Studies have proven that this may damage their innate reasoning, confuse their internal mapping, and possibly even be more detrimental then leaving them alone.

Major research was carried out in the Cayman Islands particularly dealing with the Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle. For more information:

This is the innovative approach of the modern world. Through highly advanced technology, small tracking devices are attached to the turtle’s carapace allowing scientists to track by satellite the direct location of each turtle. Every time one breaks the surface for air, a transmission of its direct location is recorded. In turn this provides an in-depth monitor of migration, feeding, and nesting patterns.

For a detailed look at Satellite Telemetry:


Nest Protection

Rather than removing eggs from their natural depository like in hatcheries and head start programs, this goals to protect the nest. Wiring or cages are designed to surround the nest in attempt to protect eggs from wild predators. This is an efficient method, for it does not disturb the eggs, while at the same time protecting them. In some instances metals may conduct heat disrupting the natural temperature eggs need to develop properly. While this method is successful against animals, it is useless against human predators.


The newest, but far-fetched, approach of cloning sea turtles was reported to commence in 2010. This research hopes to re-build the dissipated population through scientific interjection. Although previous attempts at cloning other animal species lead to less than natural results, further research will continue to manipulate developments.

Visit this link to find out more on the fascinating Malaysian goal of cloning Leatherback Turtles