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Turtle Alert Questionnaire


To ensure that future generations can witness the awesome sight of a nesting turtle or a sea-bound hatchling, we need you to be our reporter on the spot. We have teamed up with your tour operator to compile a turtle-friendliness league based on your observations. Just fill in our questionnaire at the end of your trip and send it to us.

1.Where did you go on holiday?
a. Hotel:
b. Resort:
c. Country:

2. Did anyone know how many turtles nested at your resort each season?

3. How were the nesting areas protected?

4. If you went on a turtle watch, how was it organised? Tell us about the size of the group and whether you were allowed to get close to the turtle. Did you take any photos?

5. If you visited a hatchery, tell us about the conditions and the level of supervision. Were you invited to release a hatching?

6. Were turtle (tortoiseshell) products on sale?

7. Your name, address and e-mail (if you have one)
Your address:
Your E-mail address:


Thank you!

Web site maintained by Roger Poland email:roger@kingscol.demon.co.uk
(MEDASSET - The Mediterranean Association to Save the Sea Turtles).
Last modified 24/11/97.
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WSPA's campaign booklet - Turtle Alert! has been adapted for the WWW by EuroTurtle, which is a Web based project by MEDASSET International (Mediterranean Association to Save the Sea Turtles), Exeter University (UK) and the Biology Department of King's College,Taunton, UK. EuroTurtle is Europe's first Sea Turtle Biology & Conservation Web Site for Science and Education.

Copyright © 1997, WSPA (World Society for the Protection of Animals).
These pages are the intellectual property of WSPA.
Permission to copy these materials must be obtained from WSPA.