a code for reporting
marine turtle sightings in the UK

Terms of Use

1. All material on this website is the copyright of Marine Conservation Society / EuroTurtle.org, except where stated otherwise.

2. Photographs cannot be reproduced without the prior written consent of the photographer.

3. The graphic elements of this website are used exclusively for the Turtle Code and are therefore not available for reproduction.

4. You may use information on this website for your own non-commercial purposes, including research, education, presentations if you credit the source and inform Marine Conservation Society of any resulting product. To credit the website, please use the following format:

Marine Conservation Society / EuroTurtle.org. The UK Turtle Code: Advice for sea users on how to deal with Marine Turtle encounters [Online]. Available from: http://www.euroturtle.org/turtlecode [Accessed on dd/mm/yyyy].
5. If you wish to use the information on *your* website, you must enclose a link to the online UK Turtle Code (http://www.euroturtle.org/turtlecode/).

6. We also ask that webmasters or site owners contact us prior to linking either to www.euroturtle.org, or www.euroturtle.org/turtlecode.

7. While we have made every effort to provide accurate data on this website, the Marine Conservation Society and EuroTurtle.org, affiliated organizations and funding bodies will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the use of this data, or as a result from any errors or omissions in the data content.

Further information on this topic can be sought from MCS through our contact form.

Marine Conservation SocietyThe Herpetological Conservation TrustSocttish Natural HeritageEnglish NatureEnvironment and Heritage ServiceCountryside Council for WalesMarine Turtle Research GroupMarine Environment MonitoringMEDASSET / EuroTurtle.orgThe Wildlife TrustsUniversity of Cork