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The Kefalonian Marine Turtle Project

Home Page

Welcome to the KMTP. We are a Sea Turtle Research and Conservation Project based at the University of Wales, Swansea, UK. Every year, from May until October, we work with the local population to study and conserve the loggerhead turtle on the Greek island of Kefalonia.
We also have strong links with MEDASSET - The Mediterranean Association to Save the Sea Turtles.

Please have a look through our site by clicking on the icons below : enjoy!

In 1999, the KMTP handed over all conservation work to the Katelios Group for the Research and Protection of Marine and Terrestrial Life based on Kefalonia - we wish them the best of luck in their efforts to find a sustainable future for the sea turtles of Kefalonia.

Contact email for this group 28082 Kefalonia, Greece. Tel: 0671-81584 Fax: 0671 81009

This site will remain intact as an archive and tribute to the work done on Kefalonia since 1984 by the KMTP and the Marine Turtle Project.


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If readers of this page wish to contact the KMTP, they can do so via


The Kefalonian Marine Turtle Project
c/o 'Heronfield',
Main Road,
Near Newport,
Isle of Wight.
PO30 3JL

The Kefalonian Marine Turtle Project
c/o Jon Houghton,
School of Biological Sciences,
University of Wales, Swansea
Singleton Park,

T. B. Stringell
Last modified: 6th July 1999
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British Chelonia Group

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Greek Animal Welfare Fund

The Kefalonian Marine Turtle Project would like to acknowledge the above organisations in helping to make this website possible

The Kefalonian Marine Turtle Project is a registered British Charity
(registered in England and Wales, No 1062312).

Copyright 1998, KMTP. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted by the KMTP for classroom supervisors/teachers and students to make reprographic copies of worksheets for non-commercial use. This permission does not extend to copying for promotional purposes, creating new collective works, or resale.