Sea Turtle Comparisons: size


Comparisons between the eight marine turtle species: a practical identification and measuring exercise investigating sea turtle size.

Sea Turtle comparisons:
  1. Look at the diagram below and identify each species.
  2. Using the grid, measure the SCL (Straight carapace length) for each animal.
  3. To find out what the SCL means, click on SCL to go to the glossary. Use the back button or the return link to get back to this page.
  4. Record each SCL in the table below the diagram. You might print off this page before you start and enter the data into the table by hand.
  5. Plot your results as a bar chart (or other suitable graphical form)  - a good idea is to plot it with increasing size. (SEE point 10 about how to plot your results)
  6. Repeat the exercise but try using the CCL (Curved carapace length) measurement.(use a bit of cotton thread!?)
  7. Try and work out the percentage difference for the two different measurements.
  8. Most field/conservation workers use SCL but others use CCL: why might this cause problems? (Put a note at the bottom of your result page)
  9. If you have entered text below and then go to the glossary, it will reset and you will lose your data.
  10. Plot all of your results on ONE A4 sheet.  Use a suitable spreadsheet program such as Excel, although you might include your graphs and tables in a word processing package, such as Word.  Try and take care with the presentation: if you can, print out the hard (paper) copy in colour.  You might try and include some interesting backgrounds or illustrations.
  11. If you have problems with printing ( e.g. diagram split over a page), get help from your supervisor: set the printing so this does not happen.
  12. To check your answers are correct complete the short answer quiz.
size comparisons
Letter Name SCL (cm) CCL (cm)
Common Latin