Spot the Dangers




1. Lights from Hotels
Light pollution from insensitive beach front development lighting and beach activity disorient hatchlings emerging from the nest and discourage turtles from nesting - turn off unnecessary lighting during the nesting season. Shade all lights and make no noise.

2. Umbrella and Beach Furniture
Beach use/furniture obstructs nesting turtles and emerging hatchlings - keep to the waterline. Do not drive cars or mopeds or ride horses on the beach

3. Sand Castles
Level off sandcastles and holes dug in the sand before leaving the beach. These can be fatal obstacle to females trying to nest and can trap hatchlings trying to reach the sea.

4. Fire
Light from fires disorient hatchlings emerging from the nest and discourage turtles from nesting

5. Boats
Disturbance of turtles from snorkellors, pedal boats, glass bottom boats etc. especially turtles resting in between nesting on the surface and turtles basking - be respectful and keep your distance.